Weekend Warriors Podcast

The Weekend Warriors Podcast is dedicated to all the creative minds, directors, and artists who obsess for days and months — if not years — to create something that matters. It is about obsessive, neurotic people, who have dedicated their lives to the arts and storytelling. In the show we chat about what drives them and their personal projects forward, where they find time to stealing during late nights and weekends, and how they take care of themselves so they can finish what they started.

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Sunday May 05, 2019

Ramonster42 is an artist, storyteller, and a one-man-army behind the Yellow Queen Project.
He is a friend mine, but our friendship started tumultuously. In the beginning we had very different attitudes toward the world and life, but over time we grew to trust each other.
In this episode we talked about what success means, inspiration, and why he strives to create something that matters.
Host: Silver SaaremaelProducer: Kaya Saaremael

Sunday May 05, 2019

Tom Jones and Alex Kanaris-Sotiriou are the founders, artists, and designers of the indie game studio Polygon Treehouse, working on their debut title Röki.
In this episode of Weekend Warriors Silver talks to the incredibly dedicated, duo about having challenges that drive you, taking the time to enjoy the journey, and taking care of yourself.
Host: Silver SaaremaelProducer: Kaya Saaremael

Sunday May 05, 2019

Vera Golosova is a multimedia artist, geek, and a mom. She's a relentless project maker of impeccable quality as well most kind. Vera's the first guest on the Weekend Warriors Podcast, a show interviewing creative minds about what drives them and their projects forward.
In this episode we cover time management, mental well being, and looking back at your accomplishments.
Host: Silver SaaremaelProducer: Kaya Saaremael

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